
Saturday, July 10, 2010


When I was little I was not so fond of aubergines. Don't know really why, since now it is something I really like.
Somebody said to me once that both aubergine and squashes, when cooked, they don't taste anything and it is like eating nothing special. How wrong that is!!!!

And since I enjoy aubergines, I found this really nice tasty recipe, requiring also some cheese.
That cheese (scamorza) clearly doesn't exist here in Sweden, so I tried to find something similar and although not smoked, I was happy with gräddost.

I think the recipe looked a bit simpler and faster than reality. As often ;-)
However, it was tasting amazing!
We peeled the aubergines, chomped them in cubes and let them boiled them a bit in salty water. Then I passed it in a mixer so it became like a cream. I added two eggs (but I think one would have been enough, since it turned out to be too liquid), added parmigiano, a lot of parsley, some old bread crumbs and mixed it all together.
I clearly then had problems when I was about to make the aubergine-balls, since there was no way on the planet that that could be made as a firm thingy. I tried to add more breadcrumbs, but it didn't help too much, so I quite resigned on the consistency of the final result.

It was then quite add to add the cheese inside, but more and less I managed, I fried them and when they were wamr and nice, the cheese was melted and the taste was just great!
Somewhat I tried to roll them also in the breadcrumbs, not an easy thing either!
Real pity though that I didn't manage to get the right shape nor solidity of the aubergine-balls (as the matter of fact, they look far away from the pictures in the original recipe...)
Maybe next time it will be better?


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