We got this funny snake directly from Israel, the first extremely foreign present, which is colorful and have a lot of fancy sounds:
The best though is the expression of the head:
We can go back into the normal field of clothing, thanks to grandma' (farmor):
To be combined with:
Or this (the pink hat was a present fr:om Italy, instead). I think the white hat might be a good "first hat" depending on how big the head will be...
Also Mattias' mother has done some handcrafting for our baby, this is a nice soft blanket that she can have when it is a bit chilly outside:
But when it is a bit warmer, we can reuse this coming from my brother (I mean, my brother was the first to use it):
Or maybe we can experiment with this sleeping sack instead of using sheets and blankets:
But maybe she will like to have these smalls and warm dresses as pijiamas instead?:
Che cose carine Arianna!mi piace tutto dal giochino buffo, alle copertine, ai body e tutine tenerissimi!:)