This was supposed to be our third anniversary celebration. Unfortunately, for that day Mattias was extra sick, so we had to stay home :-)
We have then decided to postpone the visit later on and we booked a day for it. The visit was including a stop at the Tivoli, some walk in the center with some shopping and then, finally a dinner at some nice restaurant recommended in TripAdvisor.
When we went there though the Tivoli was closed. So typical us! We didn't check that and assumed it was opened. Anyway, it was alright anyway and we took a long walk over the town, hate in some average place in Nyhavn and walked and walked. We didn't buy so much but we ate quite much, stopping at the super turistic Cafe' Norden.
And of course, we haven't documented everything with proper pictures, like every super blogger would do...
Finally, it was time to eat. The place is called Restaurant Krebseegarden (really easy name) and it is not so far from the station and the traditional center of the town. That evening it was promised to be a jazz evening and, although not a jazz freak myself, it was a pleasant change and it turned out to make the evening quite atmospheric.
We were the first in the restaurant and it looked quite small. It seemed like we entered the house of somebody!
They told us (in Danish...) what we were supposed to eat, since, due to the fact that it was a special evening, the menu was fixed. Argh! There were mushrooms! We mentioned my fear of such thing and I got a special alternative made just for me ;-)
Anyway, we got full and pleased with three dishes. Some sort of goose lever pate' (that Mattias didn't appreciate super much), a lovely dish made with some poultry (in my special version without mushroom sauce) and a dessert made with rhubarb.
Unfortunately, it was some time ago (almost one month) so I do not remember the details of the meal!
But everything was really nice and we felt like we were well appreciated guests in a friendly environment.
The prices was not incredibly friendly, but we knew it would have been like that and it was all worthy considering that we were not hungry at all after all and that with music, service and food we were really happy!
If you go to Copenhagen and want to have a special evening...I really recommend this restaurant!