Still taking inspiration from my fav recipe website, Giallo Zafferano, to pick up another recipe this time involving tuna (canned tuna) and some filo dough. I have tried to use it one time before, but I thought it was something else, so this was a real try since the recipe wanted it.
Anyway, the recipe is quite easy, not that complicated and it doesn't take that much time. Unfortunately, I got stuck when it was time to remove the beans from the pastries and that turned out to be a disaster.
The beans got stuck and I had to use brutal force: in the pastries that were a bit lighter that turned out to be not the optimal idea since they broke into pieces, the others survived, but I was extremely irritated and a lot of dough fell off.
It seems though that our guests like them anyway and as a matter of fact the tuna mousse and the contrast with the dryness of the pastry was quite interesting, indeed!
2 months ago
Suggestion: put some oven paper between the dough and the beans! The beans won´t get stuck in the dough and they will absorb the humidity ;)