My rating: 3 of 5 stars
What a disappointment! I was counting that at least the last book of the trilogy would be fool of excitement and revelations, but even though some happened, the plot still continues to develop too slow for my taste and I didn't enjoy at all the character's evolution.
The heroine, Sonea, has changed very little from the beginning, except for embracing magic. But Akkarin, the High Lord, loses his shade of mistery and his actions justification doesn't get any better.
On top of that, there are, in my opinions, some flows in the context of the story, with a side story without big connection to the main one, with some unclearness in some way on how magic is used and with some unexplained items hanging as question marks there and then.
It is a pity though, because I think it had the bases for becoming an exciting story, but it lost its charm when the author spent too much time in passages that didn't give that much to the thrill the reader might expect.
Despite everything, though, I still wanted to know how it turned out for Sonea after all the troubles she went through!
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